When was the last time you laughed so much that your cheeks hurt? For me and 100 of my colleagues, it was just last week. I was co-leader of an event in Boulder, CO for 100 Vistage/TEC peers from around the world. My co-leader and I selected the topic of “Creative Brilliance”, which enabled us to take the group down a path most had never experienced. We decided to bring in an expert to do a session on “Laughter Wellness”. After sharing a bit about the physiology of laughter and the impact on health, she led us through 30 minutes of laughter yoga.
At first, our “ha, ha’s”, “he, he’s” and “ho, ho’s” were forced, yet in a very short time, we were all laughing hysterically. Each time I looked at someone else doing the motions, I found myself laughing even harder. It’s amazing how terrific we all felt after just 30 minutes of laughter. The tension left our bodies, and we were energized and ready to take on the world.
It was a great reminder of how easy it can be to pull yourself out of the doldrums. When you’re having a rough day, take a short break and watch a funny video, ask someone to tell you a joke, look at the comics in the newspaper, or just remember the last time you laughed until you cried. Once you start laughing, invite others to join you so they can reduce stress and become energized as well. Laughter is the best medicine – no prescription needed!