Do you often find yourself saying you are “too busy” or that there “just aren’t enough hours in the day”? I often speak with people who tell me that time management is a challenge for them. A wise Vistage speaker once suggested that we should call it “priority management” rather than time management. I agree since we can all make choices as to how to spend our time.
The fact is that each of us has the same number of hours in each day. Some people seem to be able to find that perfect balance of time spent on various aspects of their lives and business. Others struggle to find time for important but not urgent activities. Have you talked to a leader recently who says they don’t have time to work out? Or to take a day off? Or to work “on” their business rather than “in” their business? What they are actually saying is that those things are not a high enough priority right now. If they were, they would be taking action to make time for them.
If you ever crammed for exams by pulling an all-nighter, you showed how you can shift your schedule to make time for high-priority activities. Grades were more important than sleep that night. Did you ever work so hard on a project that you realized you forgot to eat? The work was more important than your awareness of hunger. If you can put things higher on the priority list than sleep and food (which are pretty important!), then I know you can make time for those other things if you really want to.
Why not identify what you really want and then manage your time according to those priorities?
Yes yes and yes. So who can help me?