Controlled Environment

Mix of flowers

I recently stayed at the Gaylord Texan Resort for the Vistage International Conference.  I woke up early to work out and discovered the fitness room was already crowded.  I decided to take a power walk through the atrium area, which includes 4.5 acres of indoor gardens and winding waterways.   While I walked, I thought about how the controlled indoor environment allowed me to put aside any worries, and just focus on my thoughts and my workout.  I did not have to think about whether it was cold or rainy, or if any wild animals might be lurking, or if I might get lost.  I had the freedom to wander where I chose, and I felt completely safe in the knowledge that someone at the hotel was watching what was going on outside and would certainly notify me if an external threat approached.  The freedom from external worry was invigorating!

What if your employees had an opportunity to feel that same sense of freedom and peace?   What if they were able to focus on their job without distraction or worry?  What if they felt completely safe, knowing that their leaders were monitoring external threats and would notify them immediately if a threat approached?  What if they were empowered to try new ideas that might lead to better results?  Create this type of environment for your employees and watch both morale and productivity soar.