“Are we there yet?” How many times have you heard those words in a car or on a plane? Of course, the most common response to that question is, “Not yet!” For little kids who have no concept of time, that’s probably an appropriate response. For older kids, it may be better to provide more information and give them perspective on how much time has passed, and how much longer you expect to be on the road so they can begin to better understand the concept of time. Hopefully, as a result, they will be more comfortable and feel the need to ask, “Are we there yet?” a little less frequently.
What about your business? Are your employees effectively asking you (or thinking), “Are we there yet?” Do they have a clue where you are in the process of achieving your goals and your vision for the future? Are they just along for the ride, impatiently wondering if you are ever going to reach the destination or even if you are on the right road? Or have you effectively and clearly communicated your vision and goals, and kept them informed on your progress? Consider how sharing more information with all levels of your organization might enable your employees to be more comfortable and better able to help you achieve your vision.
By the way, your goals and vision may change along the way. Enjoy the journey and do not hesitate to add onto the trip and pick the next destination and vision for the future. Share it with your employees to help them enjoy the ride!